Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Women hold up half the sky

Tel que je suis, je viens a tes peids.
Tonight I went to the first Sisterhood Paris gathering for the year.  The Colour
Sisterhood represents a company of down to earth everyday women who desire
to make a difference and make the world a better place - in essence it is a
foundation seeking to place value upon humanity; a story of unity and alliance.
As the name suggests, this group is a made up of women who come together in
unity and purpose to go beyond themselves and see the world changed.

I was truly inspired to see the difference that women around the world can make
when unified in spirit and cause. Without going down the typical path of frilly,
girly, princess-y type things that woman's groups can sometimes take, it is plain
to see that united women are a powerful force to be reckoned with. This article in
the New York Times explains how researchers and economists are realizing that
women hold the key to economic development. Women care for the children that
will be tomorrow's leaders. Women have the burden of providing food for their
families when there is none. Women feel compassion and mercy towards others
who are suffering. Because of these facts, Sisterhood has been able to make
some incredible changes and progress in areas of the world that are suffering
daily. Check out the first video on this page for the details!

1 comment:

  1. your a bit cute Cait and i love you - jazz
